1月. 4, 2024


Finding the courage to meet new people 和 gain confidence didn’t come easy at first for Lucky Beddel.

高级 工商管理市场营销 双学位大一的时候有点吃力, but soon found her purpose on campus after joining student organizations, connecting with people in her program 和 making new friends.

“有起有落, but overall I look back 和 I’m glad that I went to NDSU because I did have a lot of fun. 我遇到了很多很酷的人. 我对自己有了更多的了解. 我建立了一生的友谊和联系. 我认为这场雪也培养了我。. “它教会了我要有韧性. 它教会了我时间管理,因为如果天很冷, 15分钟的步行可能会变成25分钟. 所以,你得早到.”

Beddel said she realized during her sophomore year the importance of speaking up 和 getting comfortable networking because of her 工商管理 major. To become more comfortable talking to new people, Beddel joined the 乐虎电子 辅导计划. 这个项目, 对商学院的学生开放, provides students guidance with established business professionals to build knowledge 和 skills.

贝德尔被指派了一位导师,与他分享社交技巧, resume advice 和 helped Beddel feel more comfortable in social settings.

“It helped shape me into being more confident 和 being better at holding conversations because that was something that I personally struggled with,”她说。.

除了商业关系指导计划, Beddel also joined the Somali Student Association her freshman year. The organization was one of the factors that led Beddel to choose NDSU 和 helped her connect with other students while easing the transition from high school to college.

“I definitely think it did make that jump easier being surrounded by other students 和 ease the anxiety of being a college student,”她说。.     

The SSA’s mission is to create an inclusive environment on campus for Somali students as well as for students wanting to learn more about Somali culture 和 heritage. 除了SSA连接学生在校园, the organization also does frequent outreach in the community.

作为国安局的前副主席, Beddel帮助策划和组织了索马里之夜, an event highlighting Somali culture 和 heritage by featuring performances, 美食与时尚. 另外, Beddel said the SSA has given presentations to local high schools 和 has received support from the Somali community in Fargo.
“A lot of our fundraising was from donations from the community. It meant a lot that all these people who had to personally overcome a lot of challenges to come here, 比如逃避战争, 获得公民身份, they overcame all these struggles so they could see their kids 和 other kids flourish,”她说。. “It’s emotional thinking about it because they donated money, but they also donated their time volunteering because they want to see us succeed 和 they like that we represent a good part of the Somali community here in Fargo.”

Beddel, 他后来在2022年成为了SSA的主席, said being in a leadership position helped shape her into the person she is today.  

“I think that shaped me the most because it was the biggest example of having to step out of my shell 和 be a leader 和 also cater to the community,”她说。. “I was trying to help other students who maybe felt similar to what I did, 让自己更自信,不感到孤独.”

Kaelen拿破仑, the diversity 和 inclusion coordinator with the Office of Multicultural 项目 和 SSA adviser, said the organization was started in 2018 by Somali students who wanted to see an organization on campus bringing awareness to Somali culture.  

Napoleon said the organization has been going strong with students being adamant about speaking up on discrimination they have faced.

“They have had some experiences 和 while not letting that get them down or deter them from whatever their ambitions or goals are, they’re like ‘hey I want to address this 和 I want to try to share something about my culture,’”拿破仑说。.

In 2021, SSA won the Commitment to Diversity Award through the Bison Leaders Awards. Members of the SSA have also participated in the “Talkback to Racism” event, 是由反种族主义联盟发起的吗, 每年举行一次.

Beddel’s advice for prospective students is to apply for scholarships to ease the financial burden, 参加招聘会,锻炼人脉, 喜欢学习课堂材料吗, get involved in a student organization 和 learn from others.

“NDSU是如此多样化, 而不仅仅是种族或种族的多样性, 但是背景和故事,”她说。. “人们来自全国各地, 世界各地,每个人都有自己的故事. It’s so cool to learn about 和 hear different perspectives because that helps open up your thinking as well.”

Beddel said she wishes she were more outgoing her freshman 和 sophomore years. Now in her last year at NDSU, Beddel notices how friendly people have been once she reaches out.

“我现在意识到,在大四的时候,这也有点影响到我. I know there’s other external factors that made me feel that uncomfortable, but at the same time I shouldn’t have been afraid to take that initiative because I’ve been doing that this year 和 I’ve met so many cool people,”她说。. “But that’s definitely something I wish I didn’t do because I was holding myself back 和 I shouldn’t have done that.”

